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That is a good start but there are 92,000 congregations in the world that need to be having these conversations. Over 700 copies of ADVENTIST TOMORROW have been sold (300+ Kindle, 400+ paperback). It can be even better as the basis for group discussions - Sabbath School classes who need more than recycled lessons Book Clubs interested in sharing good reads Classrooms Worker’s Retreats looking for some stirring up of the waters! The book is good for individual consideration. I resonated with almost all…”Ĭherri-Ann Farquharson wrote, “Very well written with a logical flow of arguments to guide through what present truth could look like, if we accepted all of the revelation we have about God.” Pastor Smuts van Rooyen wrote, “Enjoying your book Adventist Tomorrow.”ĭennis Stevens wrote, “Once I started it, I could not put it down. You have added very richly to my heart, soul and mind…” Will Eva said, “It has been a genuine pleasure and a relief of sorts to find someone who has wrestled… as you obviously have - and articulated so well in your very valuable piece of work. Linda Nottingham wrote, “There are surprises and it is a good read, giving rise to the thoughtful revisiting of our doctrines…” It is an unprecedented and transformative rescue of Adventist thought.” James Spoo said, “ My wife and I have enjoyed it immensely. Pastor John Hughson wrote, “This book…build on what Adventism has been and is, to what it can and must become.” John Brunton wrote, “I can’t say I agree with the author on all the topics but he brings up some interesting points.” Each chapter has references and reading lists to study details in more depth. These ideas reappear in his book ADVENTIST TOMORROW in chapters that let us think about them and decide how we could respond. Jack has been listening to the thoughts and insights from inspired Adventists and friends of Adventists for the past 60 years. Edwin Torkelsen in a recent issue of Adventist Today, asks a very pertinent question: “If I believe exactly as I did 60 years ago, where has the Spirit been?”ĭid the Holy Spirit stop talking to Adventists in 1915? The book ADVENTIST TOMORROW is not “new light” or original insights.